First Aid & Basic Life Support

Added on 29/05/2024
Course Type BLS & FA
Location Norwich, NR7 8SQ
Length 1 Day

Full Description

Our most popular course Emergency first aid at work and Basic Life suppport provides comprehensive training and is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively to various medical emergencies in the workplace.

This one-day course incorporates paediatric first aid, basic life support and AED (automated external defibrillator) use.

Delegates learn about the relevant law and legislation that relates to emergency first aid at work including consent, correct recording of incidents and best practice in infection and prevention control.

How to assess the casualty’s condition and determine the appropriate course of action, management of common minor injuries, as well as how to recognise and manage common medical emergencies such as seizure, heart attack, stroke, fractures, dislocations, burns, shock and more.

They are trained how to correctly perform CPR and use a defibrillator by an advanced life support certified HCPC registered paramedic.

We use state of the art equipment to facilitate training including choking vests, practise auto injectors (epi pens), CPR manikins that give real time feedback on depth, speed and recoil of chest compressions, training defibrillators and even a simulation suite!

Learning Objectives of First Aid & Basic Life Support training

  • Understand relevant first aid legislation
  • Learn principles of good casualty communication
  • Gain an understanding of common injuries & their management
  • To understand consent in emergency situations
  • Understand relevant infection prevention & control
  • Feel confident delivering first aid in an emergency
  • Be competent in delivering good quality CPR
  • Learn about AEDs and practise using them

All our training is delivered in an approachable yet professional manner for the best experience possible, allowing you to learn comfortably and with confidence.

All our training is facilitated in house in person, our training team can travel to your place of work, enquire below for more information.

Consultancy Service

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and people to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work.

Some industries where staff work:

  • Alongside animals (farming, equine etc.)
  • With chemicals
  • Operate machinery
  • Contact/high risk sports
  • Work largely outdoors

May require specific training to protect both employers and employees from injury and liability at work as well as potentially more specialist equipment.

We offer a bespoke service ensuring the needs of your workplace and workforce are met. After an initial risk assessment of number and size of workforce, working conditions and potential hazards etc. We can provide tailor made emergency first aid at work training on the most likely hazards and injuries to present in your workplace as well as sourcing any specialist equipment which might be needed.

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements in detail.